
Backstage Bards: Steph Withers – Company Manager

As Olly Jacques does with our boys troupe, Steph’s job is to make sure our all-female tour runs smoothly and successfully! Here is what Steph had to say about all things Shakespeare and bikes!


What, in your experience, is the most important job of a company manager?

 Communication, making sure everyone knows what’s going on, and is on the same page.


What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a company manager?…

I hate it when a problem occurs that is out of my control. I like to try and have solutions to everything, but every now and then something unexpected will happen that you can’t predicted.


…And the most enjoyable thing?

Watching a group come together and begin working as a ensemble, like a well oiled machine.


What is your favourite Shakespeare quote?

“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.”


What is your favourite thing about the HandleBards?
That I can eat unlimited chocolate, cakes and pastries for two months while I’m away on tour.


What’s the furthest you’ve ever cycled?

25 miles. Yesterday.


What is your favourite kind of bike (racing, touring, city, etc)?

Ones with baskets on them


Tell us a joke.

What’s the best part about living in Switzerland? Not sure, but the flag is a big plus.


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Book tickets for the boys, here. And tickets for the girls, here.

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